Image shows a group of people in a training room listening to a speaker


IWALC meetings are normally held at the Riverside Centre on Newport Quay from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month, apart from August and December. Executive Committee meetings are held each January, March, May, September and November, with the Annual General Meeting in July. Clerks, councillors, the public and press are welcome to attend any of these meetings as observers. If you wish to attend, please contact the County Officer so that seating can be arranged.

27th June 2024Training
25th July 2024Annual General Meeting
29th August 2024Topic Meeting
26th September 2024Executive Meeting
31st October 2024Topic Meeting
28th November 2024Executive Meeting
December 2024No Meeting
30th January 2025Executive Meeting
27th February 2025Topic Meeting
27th March 2025Executive Meeting
24th April 2025Topic Meeting
29th May 2025Executive Meeting
26th June 2025Annual General Meeting